Volunteer Ski Patrolling is an incredibly rewarding and challenging job, and requires a commitment of (a minimum) 10-15 days on-snow every year.
When we recruit, we look for a committed and determined mindset, a collegiate nature, a strong guest focus, and functional athleticism in all conditions. A patroller needs to be able to go anywhere on the mountain in *full* control with great efficiency under the most challenging conditions.
Mountain safety protocols and First Responder skills will be the subject of ongoing on and off the job training. There are rigorous, continuous training programs for both Paid and Volunteer Ski Patrollers in the areas of Advanced First Aid, Emergency Protocols, Safety Protocols and Perisher Resort procedures. All patrollers including trainees are given a “Passport” — a living training document that records on the hill and off hill training competencies.
To be a competent, successful trainee, you need to spend as much time as you can on-snow in the first two seasons with a minimum of 10 to 15 days per season. The time from Trainee to Probationary Patroller varies, and on average will take two seasons or about 40 days.
It is not an easy job, but an amazing one — and we encourage the next gen of patrollers to step up and join our proud tradition of 50 years of service to the skiing public at Australia’s largest and best* ski resort.
*so say all of us!